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Design and implement a scheduling system that is unique to you, your needs, and your natural energy cycles for a more sustainable life and business


It’s time to redefine productivity.


We've been conditioned to believe that productivity has to look a certain way. No matter who you are, where you are from, or your individual needs - productivity should be the same quantity and quality for everyone.

This is bullshit.

Productivity looks different for everyone.

We live in a world where rest is punished and we are taught to value non-stop busyness and exhaustion as a sign of success.

It's clearly not working for us... the pandemic has taught us that lived experiences, individual needs, and unique solutions are the future of helping and serving others because there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

Instead, you need tools and resources to help uncover what sustainable productivity looks like for you, individually.

This is why Build Your Sustainable Schedule was born.


What if you could…

  • Have peace of mind when you wake up instead of dreading all the things

  • Learn the skills necessary to build a scheduling system that will grow as you do

  • Feel confident knowing your schedule will flex to your needs

  • Build a sustainable schedule designed just for you

  • Reduce decision fatigue by setting up “bumpers” for your schedule needs

  • Stop scheduling from a place of lack and instead from a place of growth


This is why I created Build Your Sustainable Schedule


BUILD YOUR SUSTAINABLE SCHEDULE is the first of its kind.

You don’t need to try and fit yourself into someone else’s definition of a perfect schedule. Build Your Sustainable Schedule is here to help you look at who you are, your unique needs, and your natural energy patterns so you can work with the flow of your energy instead of against it.


After going through BYSS, you’ll know…

  • Your BRAC cycle and base of your natural energy cycle.

  • How to design your day-to-day schedule for optimum productivity so you can do more in less time.

  • Your core value hierarchy for big and small decision-making.

  • How to design your schedule based on your natural energy cycle and from a place of burnout prevention.

  • Your fulfilling, draining, and neutral tasks for more intentional daily planning.

And you’ll also walk away with a Sustainable Schedule Handbook for easy reference when planning out your weeks and/or handoff to your virtual or executive assistant!


Here’s what’s included:

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module one

Welcome + Program Overview is an introduction to all things sustainable scheduling and your first exercise before diving into the coursework.

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module two

Priorities + Intuition helps you dig into how your personality impacts your schedule and identify your core values for decision-making big + small.

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MODULE three

Discover Your Natural Energy Cycle is where you’ll uncover your BRAC cycle and layout the base of your natural energy cycle for use in Module 4 + 5.

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module four

Learning How You Work Best walks you through identifying your tasks and work into categories that better help you schedule within your natural energy.

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module five

Build Your Sustainable Schedule brings together all you’ve learned into your Handbook and helps you layout a calendar week using your natural energy cycle.


Sound like everything you’ve been searching for?


Have we met yet?

I’m Hannah Keyes


I’m a reformed corporate climber living, recovering perfectionist (and people pleaser), and tiny farm dweller. You can usually find me eating pizza, watching Disney movies, and living the dream - yoga pants all day, err’ day.

I spent over 10 years climbing ladders and building side hustles only to burnout out every 3 years like clockwork. I knew there had to be a better way to live and I set out to build a path away from burnout, for good.

I’ve been lucky to work with a range of business leaders from Fortune 100 companies to local small businesses, teaching CEOs and entrepreneurs how to optimize their time, improve systems, and prevent burnout. My unique approach to productivity systems combines my corporate experience with my own journey as an entrepreneur when I opened a graphic design and hand-lettering studio working with companies like Harper Collins and TIME magazine.

When I’m not working with clients or speaking at events, you can find me around the farm in rural Oklahoma with my husband, Randy, our two dogs and a horse named Alfred.


What they’re saying


BYSS is perfect for you if…

  • You’ve been in business for over a year

  • You’re sick of hustle culture and want to stop burning the candle at both ends

  • You want to start managing your life and business from a place of sustainability

  • You know self-awareness is a huge part of being a leader and you are ready to expand yours

  • You struggle knowing where to start or find resources

  • You are ready to make a change and implement what you learn


Are you ready to build your sustainable schedule?


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